Websites Courses
Dr. Angela Yu's udemy course
Google's Python Class
free codecamp python course
Approx Time
100 Days
7 Days
15 Days
20 Days
paid course but very good, you will have to find free version yourself
Very Basic
for quick revision or for learning syntax when you already know other language
thorough, free certificate provided, 100 hours course
Instagram Pages
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Downloadable Notes
(a.k.a a few projects to get you started :p)
2. Number Guessing
3. Text-based Adventure Game
4. Dice Rolling Simulator
5. Hangman
6. Contact Book
7. Email Slicer
8. Binary search algorithm
9. Desktop Notifier App
10. Python Story Generator
11. YouTube video downloader
12. Python Website Blocker
13. Spin a Yarn
14. What's the word?
15. Rock, Paper, Scissors
16. Leap it!
17. Find out, Fibonacci!
Python Project Ideas: Intermediate Level
18. Calculator
19. Countdown Clock and Timer
20. Random Password Generator
21. Random Wikipedia Article
22. Reddit Bot
23. Python Command-Line Application
24. Alarm Clock
25. Tic-Tac-Toe
26. Steganography
27. Currency converter
28. Post-it Notes
29. Site Connectivity Checker
30. Directory Tree Generator
Python Project Ideas: Advanced Level
31. Speed Typing Test
32. Content Aggregator
33. Bulk File Rename/ Image Resize Application
34. Python File Explorer
35. Plagiarism Checker
36. Web Crawler
37. Music Player
38. Price Comparison Extension
39. Expense Tracker
40. Regex Query Tool
41. Instagram Photo Downloader
42. Quiz Application